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Animal Science


Marechal Candido Rondon Campus

Program:  Master and Doctorate in Animal Science (PPZ)

Concentration Area:  The Concentration Area of the PPZ is the "Animal Production and Nutrition" and aims to insert the academic in the production and nutrition of various animal species of commercial interest that are of vital importance for the economy of the western and southwestern regions of Paraná. In these regions are developed, in a high degree of technology, the crops producing grains, which are the raw materials for the preparation of diets aimed at animal production. In this context, research and the deepening of knowledge in the area of Animal Production and Nutrition will contribute to the growth of the agricultural sector, bringing to light the improvement and generation of new techniques through research. This Concentration Area has the purpose of knowing the various links in the animal production chain. Thus, knowledge in the sectors of nutrition, reproduction, genetic improvement and handling of animals in economically viable animal production are indispensable.   

Research Lines:

- Production and Nutrition of Ruminants / Forage Crops: Development of research related to the production, nutrition and genetic improvement of beef cattle, dairy cattle, goats, sheep and other ruminant species of economic importance. Jointly, development of studies in the areas of management, production, conservation and evaluation of forages and pastures.

- Production and Nutrition of Non-Ruminants / Aquaculture: Development of research linked to the production, nutrition and genetic improvement of birds, pigs, horses, bees and other non-ruminant species of economic importance. Development of research related to genetics and improvement, reproduction, nutrition and feeding, water quality, sanitation, heavy-duty technology and production of aquatic organisms in different farming systems.  

History: The Graduate Program in Animal Science (PPZ, in Portuguese), at Master's level, offered by the Center for Agricultural Sciences of the Unioeste, with Concentration Area in "Animal Production and Nutrition", was approved by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Level Personnel (CAPES) in July 2006 and began its activities on March, 2007. The level of Doctorate in the PPZ, in the same Concentration Area, was approved by CAPES at the 156th Meeting of CTC-ES/CAPES held from 08 to 12/12/2014 and began its activities in late July 2015.

The incoming Master's and Doctoral students from 2019 are governed by the new Regulation of the PPZ approved by the Council for Teaching, Research and Extension (CEPE) of Unioeste on 10/18/2018 by Resolution nº 226/2018-CEPE. Also from 2019, the incoming students of Masters and Doctorate are governed by the new Pedagogical Project of the PPZ approved at the same meeting of CEPE by Resolution n° 229/2018-CEPE, by which the Research Lines became two: 1. Production and Nutrition of Ruminants / Forage Crops and 2. Production and Nutrition of Non-Ruminants / Aquaculture.

The PPZ aims to qualify professionals with technical-scientific and didactic training in order to obtain the titles of "Master in Animal Science" and "Doctor in Animal Science". The graduate formed by the Program is fit for the professional exercise in higher education and research, being qualified and licensed, in theory and practice, for the development of projects that seek the solution of problems in Animal Science. The PPZ contributes both to the technical training of specialized personnel, and to the development and improvement of technologies in the area of Agricultural Sciences.

The PPZ is intended for the qualification of professionals in the area of Agricultural Sciences or related areas, graduated by recognized national institutions or in foreign institutions considered equivalent.


Unioeste/Campus de Marechal Cândido Rondon
Marechal Cândido Rondon Campus - Center of Agrarian Sciences - 1777 Pernambuco Street - Room Nº 63 (Block IV, 4º Floor) - Mail Box: 91 - Zip code: 85960-128