PGEEC has a concentration area called Electrical Systems and Computing that seeks to cover the study, research and development of issues of electrical, biomedical and computational nature, adhering to the subjects developed by the program’s advisors and to which their activities are related.
- Electrical power systems: aims to contribute to the scientific advance, theoretical and practical, in problems associated with electrical power systems, such as modeling, analysis and control of electrical and computational systems. The focus is the study and proposition of new techniques, aiming the optimization of resources, operation and performance in this class of systems.
- Control, automation and computational intelligence: aims to contribute at the theoretical and practical scientific advance, involving the themes of control systems, automation systems, intelligence and computer security. It considers problems of modeling, analysis, synthesis of techniques and algorithms, optimization and applications in these themes. Mainly includes control and automation theory and applications, robotics, formal verification, computer simulation, computer intelligence techniques, architecture and computer network security.
- Biomedical systems: aims to contribute to the scientific, theoretical and practical advancement for the resolution of problems related to the biomedical area, both through the analysis and modeling of biomedical problems as well as by proposing new methods and processes to assist in the prevention, diagnosis, disease therapy and human well-being.