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The disciplines and complementary activities make up a total of 24 credits, which, added to the 24 credits related to the dissertation defense, total 48 credits (720 hours). The student must attend 04 disciplines, totaling 16 credits. They are: Theory and Methodology of History (04 credits), which constitutes the common core and is offered by the Program Collegiate, including all Master’s students. An additional 03 disciplines, taught by the Field of Research chosen by the candidate at selection, are added, resulting in the other 12 credits.

The curriculum structure also includes “Guided Research for Dissertation (I and II)”, equivalent to 04 credits (02 credits each). The “Complementary Activities” correspond to another 04 credits.

The duration of the course is 24 months, with the possibility of extension for another 12 months.


In order to obtain the doctaral degree, the student must fulfill a total of 72 credits (1,080 hours) and is required to pass the thesis defense. Of the total credits, 04 correspond to the general compulsory discipline, 04 to the mandatory discipline per Field of Research (“Thesis Seminar”), and the other 12 to elective disciplines to be selected within the Field of Research – thus totaling 20 credits in disciplines.

The curricular structure also includes “Guided Research for the Thesis (I, II, III, IV, V, and VI)”, equivalent to 12 credits (02 credits each), and the “Thesis Defense” and approval, which corresponds to 32 credits. The “Complementary Activities” cover 08 credits.

The duration of the course is 48 months, with the possibility of extension for another 12 months.


Unioeste/Marechal Cândido Rondon/CCH/PPGH
Room 06, Ground Floor - GRADUATE PROGRAMS BUILDING IN GEOGRAPHY AND HISTORY - Pernambuco Street - 1777 - Marechal Cândido Rondon - PR - Postal Code: 85.960-000