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Below you will find a list containing the names of our academic personnel. Currently our teaching staff is formed by 18 professors.

- Please click on their names to open their CV's (as available at the Plataforma Lattes, the Brazilian National Scholarly Plataform) and infos about their main research fields and current research projects.

01) Professor Andréia Vicente da Silva
DSc - Social Science (State University of Rio de Janeiro/UERJ)
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Current research: "Connected media in Pentecostal churches' rituals"

02) Professor Antonio de Pádua Bosi

DSc - History (Fluminense Federal University/UFF)
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Current research: "Precarious work in modern-day Brazil" / "Workers, work relations, and worker villages in slaughterhouses in Western Paraná (1950-1980)".

03) Professor Aparecida Darc de Souza
DSc - History (University of São Paulo/USP)
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Current research: "History, work, and education".

04) Professor Carla Luciana Souza da Silva
DSc - History (Fluminense Federal University/UFF)
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Current research: "Media and history in Brazil: the influences of weekly information magazines" / "Resistence to dictatorship: problematizing the VPR in Southern Brazil and the Conesul area".

05) Professor Davi Félix Schreiner
DSc - History (University of São Paulo/USP)
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Current research: "Social movements: political practices and new subjectivities".

06) Professor Gilberto Grassi Calil
DSc - History (Fluminense Federal University/UFF)
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Current research: "Bourgeois hegemony in modern-day Brazil".

07) Professor Ivonete Pereira
DSc - History (Federal University of Paraná)
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Current research: "Telling yourself: reports of women who experienced domestic violence in Western Paraná".

 08) Professor Marcio Antônio Both da Silva
DSc - History (Fluminense Federal University)
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Current research: "State, science, and technology: agriculture, agrarian policy, and institutions in modern-day Brazil" / "History of Brazilian agriculture: agrarian policy, immigration, and colonization in Southern Brazil (1860-1889)".

09) Professor Marcos Luís Ehrhardt
DSc - History (Federal University of Paraná/UFPR)
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Current research: "Intellectual History and historiography".

10) Professor Marcos Nestor Stein
DSc - History (Federal University of Santa Catarina/UFSC)
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Current research: "Colonization, property, and agricultural projects in Paraná (second half of the 20th century)".

11) Professor Méri Frotscher
DSc - History (Federal University of Santa Catarina/UFSC)
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Current research: "Narratives, memories, and identities in contemporary history" / "From tropical land back to the Reich: living and narrating the return to Nazi Germany from Brazil".

12) Professor Moisés Antiqueira
DSc - History (University of São Paulo/USP)
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Current research: "Authorship and intentionality in the field of Intellectual History" / "Crises and usurpations at the beginning of Late Antiquity".

13) Professor Paulo José Koling
DSc - History (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul/PUC-RS)
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Current research: "Land and power in frontier regions".

14) Professor Rinaldo José Varussa
DSc - History (Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo/PUC-SP)
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Current research: "Workers and industrialization processes in Western Paraná, from 1980 to 2010".

15) Professor Rodrigo Ribeiro Paziani
DSc - History (São Paulo State University/Unesp-Franca)
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Current research: "Cinema and dictatorship in Brazil (1964-1985): theoretical, methodological, historiographic and educational contributions".

16) Professor Sheille Soares de Freitas
DSc - History (Federal University of Uberlândia/UFU)
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Current research: "Narratives and narrators in power relations: workers, territorialities, and social tensions in contemporary history".

17) Professor Vagner José Moreira
DSc - History (Federal University of Uberlândia/UFU)
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Current research: "Labor, workers, and social movements in Western Paraná and Brazil".

18) Profª. Drª. Yonissa Marmitt Wadi
DSc - History (Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo/PUC-SP)
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Current research: "Women: knowledge, practices, and experiences" / "The point of view of madmen in historiographic journeys and life anthologies".


Unioeste/Marechal Cândido Rondon/CCH/PPGH
Room 06, Ground Floor - GRADUATE PROGRAMS BUILDING IN GEOGRAPHY AND HISTORY - Pernambuco Street - 1777 - Marechal Cândido Rondon - PR - Postal Code: 85.960-000