The goal of the Masters in Dentistry is to train professional researchers capable of producing knowledge, at the levels of understanding, analyzing, building and evaluating health and teaching conditions, in the contexts where they develop, as well as intervene to improve these same conditions, the training of professionals, organization of services and teaching activities. At the end of the master's degree, the student must be able to carry out research, coordinate projects and act in teaching. Therefore, they should demonstrate competences to:
Analyze dental health problems, teaching and service provision at national, regional and local levels, from a critical perspective;
To propose changes in the practice of health/education/service based on an ethical attitude, with a view to a humanized assistance to the population;
Articulate the identification of phenomena, the implementation of interventions and evaluation of results in actions, in the context where they develop;
Defend the implementation of policies, with a view to improving the standard of oral health care of the population and the training of professionals;
Act as a teacher in educational institutions, seeking to develop a participatory pedagogical practice.
Concentration Area
The Graduate Program in Dentistry (PPGO, in Portuguese) - Master's Degree, aims to deepen concepts, knowledge of methods and techniques of scientific and technological research, and the training of qualified human resources for the exercise of higher teaching, research activities and professional practice.
Research Lines
Research Line: Pathology applied to the Dental Clinic
This line aims to study epidemiology, etiology, diagnosis and treatment in oral pathology.
Research Line: Dental Materials applied to the Dental Clinic
This line aims to study the chemical reactions, mechanical and physical properties, and biological characteristics of the materials used in dentistry, in addition to the techniques of manipulation and use in "in vitro" and "in vivo" studies.