Logo Unioeste

Master in Electrical Engineering and Computing



The coordination of the program publishes public notices with information to select regular and special students. Regular students are regularly registered in the program, and special students only registered in specific classes and can validate them later if they enter as regular students. 

  • Selection criteria for regular students: 
Assessment of undergraduate record; 
Curriculum Evaluation in Portuguese (Lattes Platform model); 
Defense of questionnaire. 
  • Selection criteria for special students: 
The candidates will be evaluated by the teacher responsible for the class, assessing: curriculum, diploma, transcript and compatibility between the candidate's education and the subject offered by the program. 


Unioeste/Campus de Foz do Iguaçu
6731 Tancredo Neves Avenue - Jardim Itaipu Neighborhood - Zip code: 85867-900 - Block 05, Space 02, Room 08 - Fundação Parque Tecnológico Itaipu