Logo Unioeste

Master in Computer Science


Line 1: Computing Methodologies and Techniques

This line involves the research of methodologies and techniques that aim to improve the specification, design and implementation, validation and evolution of computer systems with an emphasis on the themes and challenges presented in software engineering, image processing and database areas.

  • André Luiz Brun (Unioeste)
  • Clodis Boscarioli (Unioeste)
  • Ivonei Freitas Da Silva (Unioeste)
  • Victor Francisco Araya Santander (Unioeste)
  • Wesley Klewerton Guêz Assunção (UTFPR-Toledo)

Line 2: Computer Systems

This line brings together topics related to computer systems, with emphasis on computer architecture, computer networks and distributed systems, high-performance processing, cloud computing and embedded systems.

  • Edson Tavares De Camargo (UTFPR-Toledo)
  • Guilherme Galante (Unioeste)
  • Luiz Antonio Rodrigues (Unioeste)
  • Marcio Seiji Oyamada (Unioeste)

Line 3: Methods in Applied Computing

This line covers the research, development and application of computational solutions that can be used in organizations, especially employing methods and techniques of data analysis, optimization and computational intelligence.

  • Adair Santa Catarina (Unioeste)
  • Claudia Brandelero Rizzi (Unioeste)
  • Rogério Luis Rizzi (Unioeste)
  • Rosangela Villwock (Unioeste)
  • Simone Aparecida Miloca (Unioeste)


Unioeste/Campus de Cascavel
2069 Universitária Street - Block B - Universitário Neighborhood - Zip code:85819-110 - Cascavel - PR