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Fishing Resources and Fishing Engineering



Fishing Resources and Fishery Engineering

1) Aquaculture
2) Management and Conservation of Indoor Water Fishery Resources


CAPES Assessment - Current: 4

Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Altevir Signor

Vice Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Fábio Bittencourt

Assistant: Carla Regina Meurer Dias

Uilian Simões


The State University of Western Paraná (UNIOESTE), recognized as a University in December 1994, has been steadily increasing the expansion of its physical structure and creating new undergraduate and postgraduate courses. The institution has a multicampi structure, located in the municipalities of Cascavel (headquarters), Foz do Iguaçu, Marshal Cândido Rondon, Toledo and Francisco Beltrão. The multicampi structure enables regional insertion in the West and Southwest of Paraná with coverage in 92 municipalities and more than 1.8 million inhabitants, which favors basic and advanced research strategies, directly at the level of regional demand and technology diffusion. In its 30 years of existence as a University, UNIOESTE has been increasingly expanding its actions towards regional development, becoming a reference in advanced studies, postgraduate human resources training and strong activity in extension.

In this context, Unioeste's Center for Engineering and Exact Sciences (CECE), based in Toledo-PR, congregates the Fishery Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Chemistry Courses. The Fishery Engineering Course was created by Resolution No. 001/96-CEPE / UNIOESTE and authorized by Resolution No. 028/96-SETI, and that same year the University Council of Unioeste approved the creation of the course by Resolution No. 119/96-COU, which has been operating since 1997. The Fishery Engineering Course at Unioeste/Campus de Toledo has emerged not only as a new area of ​​vocational training, but above all to consolidate the social function of the University in the most broad sectors of human activities, developing basic science, technology and the humanities. Initially, the importance of implementing this course was fundamentally justified by the lack of a training center for professionals in the area of ​​Fishery Engineering in the State of Paraná and, more broadly, in the South and Midwest of the country. potential of fishing and aquaculture activities in the macro and regional microeconomics, with the West region considered as a reference pole for the aquaculture area in the State of Paraná and Brazil. In 2008 Capes approved the Postgraduate Program in Fishery Resources and Fishery Engineering, Master level (first class in 2008) and in 2013 the Doctorate (first class in 2014) was approved. PREP focuses on: Fishery Resources and Fisheries Engineering and has two research lines: Aquaculture and Inland Water Resources Management and Conservation.


The Program's general objective is to train qualified human resources in the area of ​​Fishery Resources and Fishery Engineering with competence to teach, conduct innovative research, develop technologies for the productive sector and the environment by developing sustainability actions, coordinate teams that act in scientific development and regional and national and international technology, promote the dissemination of scientific and technological knowledge, train researchers to work in higher education teaching and train them for sustainable development in the area of ​​fisheries resources and fisheries engineering.


1) Expand and improve the training of human resources in the area of ​​fishery resources and fishery engineering, based on teaching, research and extension by elaborating, developing and executing innovative research projects and in conjunction with the demands of society applied to production chain, sustainable use of the environment and the scientific and technological community;

2) Establish partnerships of interdisciplinarity, interinstitutionality and strengthening partnerships with regional, national and international higher education institutions in order to develop, expand and strengthen scientific and technological actions to apply new technologies that contribute to the sustainable development of the area of ​​education. Fishery Resources and Fishery Engineering;

3) Enhance the intellectual capacity of the faculty and better qualify its student body in order to enable the improvement of the science developed by them with publications of scientific papers in indexed journals of better impact with the scientific community in order to contribute to local, regional development, national and international scientific and technological knowledge and the dissemination of scientific and technological knowledge to society;

4) To promote the increase of highly qualified human resources in society, companies and the intellect of the scientific community with the insertion of undergraduate students in research projects, development of technologies applied to the productive sector, dissemination of scientific knowledge through its members and partners providing the students of the program with the scientific and technological improvement necessary for the desired professional improvement;

5) Provide better conditions for teaching/learning, student training and teacher improvement in scientific and technological development, in Institutional Scientific Initiation Programs and projects for the formation of technology centers with the insertion of technologies with the community involved, continuously promoting conditions for the integration of actions and future planning for scientific and technological improvement of all involved;

6) Develop the capacity of the graduate student to appropriate new knowledge, develop and improve scientific and technological knowledge, especially in the areas covered by the Program and in its research lines in the Management and Conservation of Fishery and Aquaculture Resources, contributing to solving local, regional, national and international problems;

7) Contribute to the updating of scientific knowledge and its application to society through processes of social inclusion, training of teachers and qualified professionals for the qualified performance of sustainable development actions of teaching, science, technology through research and research. constant evolution of the knowledge acquired with the community and in undergraduate and postgraduate educational institutions that they may act;

8) Promote University/Society integration by encouraging research aimed at problem solving and/or better understanding in order to make them applied, participating in forums and discussions with councils and society directly involved with Resources. Fisheries and Fishery Engineering;

9) Establish an educational and communication process for the transfer of scientific and technological knowledge for the sustainable development of the region in which the program is inserted, the country it covers and the world in which it is presented.


The postgraduate will be able to work in higher education, as well as in research and extension, being qualified and qualified in theory and practice, for the elaboration and development and execution of research projects that seek the solution of problems, to the scientific and technological improvement of professionals and of themselves, through which they will interact, interrelate and in the actions that they will develop as a professional in order to contribute linked to Fishery Resources and Fishery Engineering aiming at sustainable development. Fisheries Resources and Fisheries Engineering and its areas.



Unioeste/Toledo/CECE/Fishing Resources and Fishing Engineering
3141 Guaíra Street, Unioeste/Campus de Toledo - Jd. Santa Maria Neighborhood - Toledo - PR - Zip code: 85903-220