Logo Unioeste

Science and Mathematics Education



Coordenador: Prof. Dr Clodis Boscarioli

Coordination Assistant: Aroni Lemke

Science and Mathematics Education, since: 23/05/2017 

CAPES Concept - Current: 5

Selection Period: 2022 

Special Student: 21/03 (1° semester) e 13/06 (2° semester)
Regular Student: 15/08 a 03/12/2021
Start of classes - 21/03/2022

Selection Period: 2023 

Special Student: 02/2023 (1° semester) e 11/06 (2° semester)
Regular Student: 15/10/2022 a 19/12/2022
Start of classes - 13/03/2023

Português | Inglês


+55 (45) 3220–7284


Unioeste /Cascavel/CCET/PPGECEM
2069 Universitária Street – Jd. Universitário Neighborhood - B Block - 3º Floor - Room 303 - Cascavel – PR – Zip code: 85.819-110