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Master in Environmental Sciences



The Graduate Program in Environmental Sciences (PPGCA) aims to promote the emergence of new areas of knowledge and its development and social insertion. The Graduate Program should contribute both to the technical and humanistic training of specialized personnel as well as to the social development and improvement of technologies, at the regional, state and national levels, with emphasis on the Western region of Paraná.

The specific objectives are:

a) To qualify, at the Master's level, professionals in the field of Environmental Sciences;
b) to train and upgrade professionals at a higher level, to actuate in the industrial, academic, and public segments;
c) to develop technical-scientific and human research in the lines of research, aiming at publication in national and international journals;
d) generate patents, when pertinent, from studies carried out by the graduate program;
e) to improve human resources training;
f) encourage the exchange with industries, cooperatives, research institutes, and universities.
The graduates will be apt for the professional exercise, in higher education and research, being qualified and capacitated in theory and practice, for the development of projects that focus to solve problems linked to the ecosystem, aiming the economic and environmental sustainability.


645 Faculdade Street - Jardim Santa Maria - Mail Box 520 - Zip code: 885903-010 - Toledo - PR - Brazil