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Mestrado em Ciências Ambientais



The entire selection process is coordinated by a Commission, whose composition must be approved by the Program Board. This commission is responsible for issuing notices and for other procedures of the Selection Process.

Selection exams are individual and independent and consist of eliminatory stages in the following order:

FIRST STAGE: Written test, eliminatory, specific to each Line of Research, with the purpose of probing the candidates’ capacity for analysis, interpretation and argumentation, observing their academic text production skills. The recommended Bibliography for the written test is included in each years’ opening notice.

SECOND STAGE: Oral presentation of research pre-project and Lattes Curriculum, bound in spiral. The research pre-project must be linked to one of the Research Lines indicated in the opening notice and must be delivered upon registration. It should be prepared in accordance with ABNT rules, typed in Times New Roman font, size 12, spacing 1.5, with a minimum of 6 (six) and a maximum of 10 (ten) pages and obeying the following provision:

  • Identification Data (Pre-project title, author’s name, Research Line to which the Pre-project belongs);
  • Introduction (specify the project’s theme and its delimitation);
  • Justification;
  • Objectives;
  • Theoretical framework;
  • Methodology;
  • Schedule;
  • Bibliographic references.

The Written Test, the Pre-Project and the Lattes Curriculum, duly documented and bound in spiral, must be presented in Portuguese.

To be admitted to the Program, the candidate must be approved in the two stages of the Selection Process, which are eliminatory, independent and Line of Research-specific. They must also obtain a classification within the vacancy limit defined by each opening notice.


The entire selection process is coordinated by a Commission, whose composition must be approved by the Program Board. This commission is responsible for issuing notices and for other procedures of the Selection Process. Selection exams are individual and independent and consist of eliminatory stages in the following order:

FIRST STAGE: Proof of Proficiency in two Foreign Languages (English, Spanish, Italian, German, French), eliminatory, in order to probe the reading and interpretation abilities of the candidates, with a minimum approval score of 7.0 (seven). Upon registration, the candidate may request the validation of the proficiency exam provided for the Master’s Degree, according to the internal resolution of the Graduate Program. Foreign applicants must choose a language other than their mother tongue. The chosen language must be among Program offers.

SECOND STAGE: Written test, eliminatory, specific to each Line of Research, whose purpose is to probe the candidates’ analysis, interpretation and argumentation skills, observing their skills in the writing of scientific texts, with a minimum approval score of 7.0 (seven). The recommended Bibliography for the written test is included in each years’ opening notice.

THIRD STEP: Defense of the research project, argument and analysis of the Lattes Curriculum, with a minimum approval score of 7.0 (seven). The Research Project must be linked to one of the Research Lines of the Program and must be delivered upon registration. It should be prepared in accordance with ABNT rules, typed in Times New Roman font, size 12, spacing 1.5, with a minimum of 6 (six) and a maximum of 10 (ten) pages and obeying the following structure:

  • Identification Data (title of the research project, name of the author, Line of Research in which the project is inserted).
  • Introduction (specify the project’s theme and its delimitation);
  • Justification
  • Problem/problematization;
  • Objectives
  • Theoretical framework;
  • Methodology;
  • Schedule;
  • Bibliographic references.

The Written Test, the Research Project and the Lattes Curriculum, duly documented and bound in spiral, must be presented in Portuguese.

In addition to attesting their proficiency in a foreign language, foreign candidates must take the Portuguese Proficiency Test. After the enrollment period (defined in each opening announcement), foreign candidates will be invited to carry out the Portuguese Proficiency Test, according to an announcement published on the https://www5.unioeste.br/portal/pos/ppgl website.

To be admitted to the Program, the candidate must pass the three stages of the Selection Process, which are eliminatory, independent, and Line of Research-specific. They must also obtain a classification within the limit of vacancies defined by the Graduate Program’s Internal Resolution. The minimum passing grade is 7.0 (seven). For the purpose of disclosing the results of each phase and the final result, only two parameters will be referred to: “approved” (those with an average equal to or greater than 7.0) and “not approved” (those with an average lower than 7.0).


According to current PPGL Regulations, special students are those selected according to a specific selection notice who have been authorized to enroll in a discipline but do not have the right to obtain a Master’s and/or Doctorate degree. The special student is subject to both Unioeste general norms and Program regulations, the same applicable to regular students. He/she is entitled to a certificate of approval for the discipline in question, issued by the competent body. The enrollment of special students is made on a per-discipline basis, after the deadline established for the enrollment of regular students. It is conditioned to the existence of vacancies as defined by the Program Board and with the professor-in-charge.



Rua da Faculdade, 645 - Jardim Santa Maria - Caixa postal 520 - CEP: 885903-010- Toledo PR - Brasil