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Mestrado e Doutorado em Filosofia


Selection Criteria

To participate in the selection process as regular and special students, the candidate must fill in the online registration form available at <https://midas.unioeste.br/stricto/inscricoes>, and send or deliver to the in Master and Doctorate in Regional Development and Agribusiness Postgraduate Secretariat at UNIOESTE/Campus de Toledo, from 8 am to 11 am and from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm, at Rua da Faculdade, 645 - Jardim Santa Maria, CEP - 85903-000 - Toledo - PR, within the deadline stipulated in the specific Notice (check the Norms and Notices> Notices menu), the requested documents.

For example, the documents requested for regular student enrollment are:
  • a) Proof of application / validation received in the applicant's e-mail after filling in at <https://midas.unioeste.br/stricto/inscricoes>;
  • b) a recent 3x4 photo;
  • c) original proof of deposit of the registration fee;
  • d) updated Lattes curriculum;
  • e) research project in the research line of interest, following a specific form;
  • f) two cover letters (from persons linked to the applicant's academic background or professional activities), following a specific model;
  • g) copy of the passport and residence permit identification sheet;
  • h) copy of the Master's degree or Master's Degree Certificate obtained in a course recognized by MEC / CAPES;
  • i) copy of the Master's transcript.
  • Other documents described in the specific notice available at <https://www5.unioeste.br/portalunioeste/pos/pgdra/normas-e-editais/editais>.

The documents requested for special student registration are:
  • a) Copy of the transcript of the undergraduate course;
  • b) Copy of the undergraduate diploma or course completion certificate;
  • c) Copy of ID, CPF and Birth or Marriage Certificate;
  • d) 01 (one) recent 3x4 photo;
  • e) Lattes Curriculum updated.
  • Other documents described in the specific notice available at <https://www5.unioeste.br/portalunioeste/pos/pgdra/normas-e-editais/editais>.

Check the specific notices for further details regarding the documents and procedures required for selection.


Rua Guaíra, 3141 - Jd. Santa Maria - Toledo/PR - Prédio da Filosofia - Sala da Secretaria do Programa e dos Professores - 2º piso - CEP: 85903-220