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Mestrado e Doutorado em Engenharia e Tecnologia Ambiental


Master and Doctorate in Regional Development and Agribusiness

Regional Development and Agribusiness


1. Productive Chains
2. Regional Economics and Society

CAPES Assessment - Current: 5

Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Lucir Reinaldo Alves

Vice Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Pery Francisco Assis Shikida

Assistant: Roseli Immig Lotte


The proposal for a Graduate Program in the area of regional development and agribusiness was born around the strategic project of verticalization of UNIOESTE and, above all, the concern of the professors of the course of Economic Sciences of UNIOESTE / Campus Toledo who, in turn, sought to give answers to the needs of society in its various dimensions. The project of a Graduate Program evolved in a more systematic way from the individual research of professors and the creation of the Research Group on Agribusiness and Regional Development - GEPEC, in 1996, registered with CNPq and initially formed by professors of the course of Economic Sciences of UNIOESTE / Campus Toledo.

In the same year, the GEPEC Report Magazine was launched to disseminate the research of teachers and the academic community in general (classified as Qualis B1 in the area of Urban and Regional Planning/Demography). In 2002, after several meetings of professors from various areas of knowledge, the CCSA elaborated the project of the Graduate Program in Regional Development and Agribusiness, master's level.

The dimension of the project required intense dialogue on the theme of regional development, as well as agribusiness. In addition to professors from the Economic Sciences course, professors from other areas of knowledge - Social Sciences, History, Geography, Social Service, Social Sciences and Statistics - participated and were promptly integrated into the project.

All the professors were dedicated and willing to the intense and not easy dialogue between the various disciplines that compose the PGDRA. A collective good was being built, in which the participation of all those who initiated the seminal framework, and those incorporated throughout the life of the Program, were able to leave their traces and contributions. In such a way that the interdisciplinary look was sharpened along its short trajectory.

However, the eleven founding professors of the PGDRA must be eternalized with praise: Alfredo Aparecido Batista; Edson Belo Clemente de Souza; Erneldo Schallenberger; Jandir Ferrera de Lima; Jefferson Andronio Ramundo Staduto; Miguel Angel Uribe Opazo; Pery Francisco Assis Shikida; Ricardo Silveira Martins; Silvio Antônio Colognese; Weimar Freire da Rocha Júnior; and Yonissa Marmitt Wadi.

The PGDRA has a proposal clearly in line with the academic perspectives of this field of knowledge, as well as with the transformations and recent trends of socio-economic development. Regional and/or local development focuses on the possibility of places to create and expand a synergy that favors socioeconomic growth. Above all, it takes into account the particular aspects of regions that are far from the large population and productive clusters.

Thus, the UNIOESTE Graduate Program in Regional Development and Agribusiness, master's level, was constituted with a concentration area in Regional Development and Agribusiness and is based in the Campus of Toledo. The first group started in April 2003. In 2010, after consistent evolution, the PGDRA created the Doctorate course.

In fact, the Doctorate in Regional Development and Agribusiness presents a proposal that is in line with the academic perspectives of the area of Urban and Regional Planning/Demography, as well as with the transformations and recent trends of regional development. Regional development starts from the premise of creating "endogenies" capable of leveraging development and socioeconomic growth within the regions. This proposal considers, above all, the particular aspects of the regions that have great participation in the product and are stimulated by the productive activities associated with agribusiness. These are activities that reflect and influence the social processes of the populations installed in these territories, as well as having a profound impact on the environment.

The PGDRA selection notice selects up to 12 master students in the second semester to start their activities in the first semester of the following year, and up to 6 doctoral students in the first semester who start their activities in the second semester of the same year.


The main objectives of the Program are:

  • To train high-level researchers in the area of Regional Development and Agribusiness;
  • Contribute to the advancement of studies on socioeconomic phenomena in their regional manifestations;
  • Develop the professional's capacity to appropriate new knowledge, especially in regional and agribusiness development, contributing to the solution of local, regional and national problems;
  • Contribute to the updating/training of teachers, enabling them for the qualified performance of undergraduate and graduate education;
  • Train researchers capable of developing scientific work that contributes to local, regional and national development; and,
  • Promote University/Society integration by encouraging applied research and participating in regional development forums and councils.

