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Mestrado em Ciências Ambientais


Master and Doctorate in Sustainable Rural Development

1. Objectives

The master's and doctoral course in Sustainable Rural Development has the following goals:

• production and scientific dissemination through teaching and student activities, guided by advanced studies and research activities related to multidisciplinary knowledge areas of the extension, development and sustainability of agricultural and agroindustrial activity and by the deepening of concepts and knowledge of methods and techniques of scientific research;
• training of high-level human resources qualified for the exercise of teaching, research and extension activities, in order to contribute to the development and sustainability in the context of agricultural activity;
• contribute to the advancement of studies on socioenvironmental and socioeconomic issues in the context of sustainability and rural development;
• contribute to the updating and training of teachers and professionals of innovative extension, training them for the qualified performance of their actions;
• promote the integration between the University and the Society by encouraging the realization of applied research;
contribute to the training of new researchers through actions of integration between undergraduate and graduate students with society.

2. Concentration Area

Concentration area Sustainable Rural Development Stands out for the production of knowledge through multi and interdisciplinary research activities, focusing on the sustainability of family farming and the development of agro-industry, through innovative extensionist action and the development and application of innovative processes.

3. Research Lines

Territorial Development, Environment and Rural Sustainability - A thematic approach to agricultural, environmental and agro-industrial planning and management, addressing technological developments, as well as the social changes necessary for a sustainable production and industrialization process to take place. The emphasis is on the territorialization of the environment, society and the formulation and execution of public policies that comprehend the multiple dimensions that involve sustainable rural development

4. History

The Graduate Program in Sustainable Rural Development - PPGDRS, masters and doctoral level, is part of the Center for Agricultural Sciences of the Western Paraná State University - UNIOESTE, Marechal Cândido Rondon Campus. 

Evaluation Area: Interdisciplinary.

Basic Area: Environment and Agrarian CAPES.

Mode: Academic.

The PPGDRS (Sustainable Rural Development Concentration Area) involves a multidisciplinary team of researchers to meet the new demands of society, related to professional qualification and knowledge production, aiming to support agricultural and agro-industrial development, based on socio-environmental reality and driven by innovation processes.

The pedagogical proposal of the PPGDRS has as subsidy the several actions carried out by the researchers and their teams in the last years in the state of Paraná, involving activities of Teaching, Research and Extension, among which the following areas stand out: associativism, planning and environmental education; development of technologies adapted to family farming and agro industrialization; generation and use of renewable energies, certification of products and processes; solidarity entrepreneurship and agroecology.

The Masters (since 2012) and Doctorate (since 2017) courses of the PPGDRS are offered to professionals graduated in Agricultural, Environmental, Social, Human Sciences and related areas linked to Rural Extension, Agroecology, Regional Development and Rural Economics courses. Professionals from other areas may apply to take the course, however, they will be evaluated "on a case-by-case basis" by the Collegiate of the Program, which issues an opinion on whether or not the candidate is accepted.

The PPGDRS aims to train human resources to analyze, discuss, plan, implement and execute actions related to the Rural Extension, produce knowledge in Sustainable Rural Development and in processes of Socio-technological Innovation with an agroecological focus, as well as, for the exercise of teaching, research and extension activities in the field of Rural Extension, in order to contribute to the sustainable development of rural areas. In this context, the goals of the PPGDRS are the production and scientific dissemination through teaching and student activities, guided by advanced studies and research activities related to multidisciplinary areas of knowledge of the Extension, Socio-technological Innovations, Development and Sustainability of rural activities and the deepening of concepts and knowledge of methods and techniques of scientific research.


Rua da Faculdade, 645 - Jardim Santa Maria - Caixa postal 520 - CEP: 885903-010- Toledo PR - Brasil