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Mestrado em Ciências Ambientais



CAPES, CNPq, Araucária Foundation, PTI/ITAIPU, are the main research funding agencies that offer grant scholarships to PGEAGRI students, which are distributed to candidates who are not employed. The distribution occurs concomitantly with the process of joining the program, following the availability and priority order defined by the scholarship committee. The scholarships value R$ 1,500.00 and R$ 2,200.00 for the Master's and Doctoral, respectively. PGEAGRI also has scholarships for Doctoral abroad internships to complement studies, from 6 months, through the Doctoral Program in the Country with Abroad Internship (PDSE, in Portuguese) from CAPES, in the average amount of U$ 1,100.00, plus air tickets, dwelling aid, and health insurance. Selecting the scholarship students follows the same guiding principles of the selection process (exemption, impartiality, meritocracy, and equality) and is published in the publication with the result of the selection process for admission to the program.


Rua da Faculdade, 645 - Jardim Santa Maria - Caixa postal 520 - CEP: 885903-010- Toledo PR - Brasil