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Foz do Iguaçu

Francisco Beltrão

Marechal Candido Rondon


Agências de Fomento da Pós Graduação


Master and Doctorate in Agronomy

1. Concentration Area

Plant Production

The Area of Concentration in Plant Production of PPGA aims to train Masters and Doctors with knowledge for the development of research and technologies in different processes of agricultural activity, through three research lines interrelated: Crop Management, Sustainable Plant Production Systems and Plant Health and Alternative Control.

2. Research Lines

1. Crop Management
  1. Sustainable Plant Production Systems
  1. Plant Health and Alternative Control

Crop Management Studies on plant mineral nutrition, soil correction and fertilization for crops. Physiological processes that control the metabolism, growth and development of plants. Evaluation and development of techniques and processes involved in the implementation and conduct of crops; harvesting and storage of their products. Development, evaluation and multiplication of superior genotypes by conventional and biotechnological methods. Seed production and technology. Physiology and post-harvest technology. Application Technology of Agricultural Defensives. Sustainable Plant Production Systems. Studies on management and conservation of natural resources.

3. History

Masters and Doctorate: Recognized by MEC Ordinance nº 656, of 05/22/2017 - Republished in the D.O.U. of 07/27/2017. The Graduate Program in Agronomy - Master and Doctorate, is part of the Center for Agricultural Sciences of the Western Paraná State University - Unioeste, Marechal Cândido Rondon Campus. The two levels of the Program were recommended by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Level Personnel - CAPES through the offices of Ref. CAA/CTC/282 of December 12, 2000 (Master) and 026/13/2008/CTC/CAAI/CGAA/DAV of August 6, 2008 (Doctorate).

The Graduate Program in Agronomy has as goals:
a) offering training and education of specialized professionals prepared for teaching, research and extension, in Agricultural Sciences;
b) development of high-level research, seeking innovative solutions to the regional agricultural problems and allowing to achieve better production rates and higher income generation for the different segments of agricultural owners;
c) contribute to the conduction of research that offers alternatives for sustainable rural