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Mestrado Profissional em Letras



The Western Paraná State University (UNIOESTE) was created by Law No. 8.680 of December 30, 1987, and by Decree No. 2.352 of December 27, 1994. It is formed by the Cascavel Campi; Foz do Iguaçu, Marechal Cândido Rondon, Toledo and Francisco Beltrão, integrating the Municipal Foundations of the Faculties: FECIVEL - Faculdade de Educação, Ciências e Letras de Cascavel; FACISA - Faculdade de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas de Foz do Iguaçu; FACIBEL - Faculdade de Ciências e Letras de Francisco Beltrão; FACIMAR - Faculdade de Ciências Humanas de Marechal Cândido Rondon and FACITOL - Faculdade de Ciências Humanas "Arnaldo Busato" de Toledo, and had its Statute approved by Decree No. 4.429 of December 1994. Its organizational structure is divided into 16 centers to which 34 undergraduate and 30 graduate Stricto Sensu courses are linked.

UNIOESTE aims to be a promoter of Research Centers for technologies appropriate to regional demands and offer alternatives aimed at the sustainability of the agro-ecosystem. The demand for education began to represent the instrumentation for entering the labor market and, ultimately, for better survival conditions in a new economic context. It is worth mentioning that the western region of Paraná has become an educational center of higher level, with several educational institutions, such as universities, centers of higher education and colleges, creating a demand for specialized and qualified personnel to work in this field. The verticalization of higher education is one of the goals of strategic planning for the development of the Institution.

The West and Southwest regions of Paraná, served by UNIOESTE, have great natural resources, such as: abundant water resources, which include reservoirs of the Hydroelectric Power Plants of Itaipu, Salto Osório, Salto Santiago and Salto Caxias, and also the largest water network (hydrographic basin of Paraná III and hydrographic basin of the middle Iguaçu) in the State of Paraná. Its soil is highly productive and the region's climate is favorable for agricultural activities. There are also several forest remnants so that Unioeste is located in a strategic region in this point of view because in a radius of 200 km are found the Iguaçu National Park (PNI, in Portuguese) and Ilha Grande National Park (PNIG, in Portuguese) and also the Rio Guarani State Park. The Biodiversity Corridor, which connects the PNI to the PNIG, through the margin of the Itaipu reservoir, as well as remnants of the original vegetation cover, are also noteworthy.

Such environments are confronted with "modern agriculture", with extensive areas of rotating annual crops, pig farming and intensive poultry farming, which exert, together with the industrial development policy of the region, a great counter pressure on the environment, following the global confrontation of preservation versus production. In this respect, the importance of studies that emphasize the conservation and management of the region's own natural resources is highlighted.

Added to this is the growth and consolidation of a new economic profile of production and processing of agricultural products in the western and southwestern regions of Paraná over the last two decades. The State, and especially the aforementioned regions, are today leaders in many segments of this market, including the production of grains, milk, pigs and poultry and their by-products.

Cascavel is located in a region close to the border with Argentina and Paraguay, which experience a regional situation similar to that observed in the west of the State of Paraná, since large areas of cultivation are in conflict with forest remnants, parks, etc. There are, in this context, already established partnerships between the Federal Government and the State of Paraná (and consequently UNIOESTE) with the government of neighboring countries. Through a protocol of intentions, measures are taken to bring the countries together in their common problems, in the collective search for solutions through scientific and technological development. Thus, the present proposal will contribute by adding to what has already been happening at UNIOESTE, which receives students, both for undergraduate and graduate courses.

In this sense, biologists, agronomists, forestry and fishing engineers, in addition to chemists, pharmacists, among others, represent a significant regional demand in search of graduate programs. Such professionals seek to broaden the field of work and receive adequate training and technical specialization, in addition to developing the capacity for scientific and technological research in the various aspects of interdisciplinarity. In this way, the professional will act not only in the search for knowledge that results in the solution or that brings alternatives to local and/or regional issues, but that, by acquiring scientific and cultural training, can be an active member of society, effectively contributing to scientific and technological development, consolidating the creative role of the University.

Thus, Unioeste, through its Council of the Center for Biological Sciences (CCBS), in an ordinary meeting on February 11, 2009, approved the forwarding of the academic master program proposal for Conservation and Management of Natural Resources to CAPES. On March 12, 2009, CEPE was in favor of presenting the proposal to CAPES, which was registered in Resolution 005/2009-CEPE and approved in Resolution 128/2009-CEPE.

The research lines are organized in research themes corresponding to the teaching staff's objects of study and linked to the scientific production of the 15 permanent professors (it is in progress the internal registration in Unioeste of one more permanent professor - we will total 16) and 02 more professors from Unioeste, registered as collaborators in PPRN. The group of professors has its performance directed to the evaluation of environmental impacts in continental water systems, as well as the management and the environmental conservation, involving the development of alternative practices of pests control, invasive plants and diseases, formation of databases of vegetable species for the studied areas and the wealth, diversity and floristic similarities, besides generating technologies applied to the management, the conservation and the treatment of effluents, proper of agricultural regions, thus preserving the biodiversity of the terrestrial environment and providing better quality added to agricultural production.

In this process of consolidation and expansion of the Institution, the enlargement and strengthening of the Graduate Program in Conservation and Management of Natural Resources, Cascavel Campus, are necessary to meet the demand for professional training in Biological Sciences and related areas, and supply the inexistence of Stricto Sensu graduate programs in this area, in the states of the southern region of Brazil. It is noteworthy that the Program, acting in an integrated manner with the Undergraduate Course in Biological Sciences (Bachelor's Degree and Licentiate), also contributes significantly to improving the quality of teaching, research and extension developed in the Center for Biological Sciences and Health.

Institutionally, the PPRN http://www.unioeste.br/pos/conservacaoemanejo is linked to the Center for Biological and Health Sciences (CCBS) that still houses the Graduate Program in Biosciences and Health and Dentistry, both with a Master's degree and also undergraduate courses: Licentiates in Biological Sciences and Nursing and the Bachelor's in Biological Sciences, Nursing, Physiotherapy and Dentistry and the specializations in Intensive Physical Therapy, Specialization in Public Health and Residences in Dentistry, Physiotherapy and Nursing.

Within the scope of higher administration, the PPRN is linked to the Dean of Research and Graduate Studies (PRPPG, in Portuguese), integrating the set of 29 graduate programs, of which 25 master's degrees and 4 (four) with master's degree/doctorate. Two of these programs are Professional Masters.

The Program management has the coordination (Prof. Dr. Vladimir Pavan Margarido) and a substitute of the coordination (Prof. Dr. Roberto Laridondo Lui), elected for 2 years (April 28, 2018 to April 27, 2020, Ordinance n. 1842/2016-gre) and advised by a coordination assistant (Marcia Cruz) from the career of technical-administrative staff of the institution. The administrative and pedagogical actions of the coordination follow the deliberations of the Program's Collegiate, composed of permanent professors and student representatives.

In early 2013, the Program accredited the Unioeste/Cascavel professor, Dr Rosilene Luciana Delariva in the area of Fish Ecology. At the end of 2013, the Program started the accreditation of the Unioeste/Cascavel professor, Dr Roberto Laridondo Lui, in the area of basic/molecular cytogenetics of fish, molecular genetics and proteomics. At the beginning of the second semester of 2014, the Program started the accreditation of the Unioeste/Cascavel professor, Dr Shirley Martins Silva, in the area of ecological anatomy, continuing this process of teacher expansion. The PPRN also has the participation of two professors as collaborators in disciplines of the master (Special topics in numerical ecology, Dr Ana Tereza Bittencourt Guimarães, and Special Topics in Ecological Anatomy of vascular plants, Dr Shirley Martins Silva / in the accreditation phase), such disciplines occur in 2014.

Emphasis should be given to the National Post-Doctoral Program (PNPD, in Portuguese). Through this program, a PPRN scholar was developing unpublished research in 2011/2013, whose scientific production begins to be sent for publication, besides having acted in the co-orientation of a PPRN student and contributed to the progress of the Agricultural Biotechnology Laboratory's activities. In 2014, still in the same PNPD, a new fellow was selected to work, now, in the area of Plant Physiology. In 2016/2018, a new fellow was selected in the area of Genetics, in which he is developing post-graduate activities, as well as being a collaborating teacher where he is being offered the subject of Special Topics in Light Microscopy with 60 h/y of workload and 4 credits. His scientific production begins to be sent for publication, in addition to having acted in the co-orientation of students in the PPRN.

During its first 4 years of existence, the PPRN has seen the capacity of teachers to raise financial resources together with the different development agencies, with contributions that exceeded R$ 4 million. This investment has already been reflected in the scientific production, both in quantity and quality and with uniformity in the group of professors, since in this period it was also observed the maturing and consolidation of the teacher's career with the financing of their research and the entry into the PPRN.

Thus, within the Interdisciplinary area, in the first three years (2010-2011-2012), the evolution of scientific production was as follows: 2010 - 18.2% in strata A1 and A2; 25.0% in strata B1 and B2; 56.8% in strata B3, B4, B5; 2011 - 25.0% in strata A1 and A2; 30.6% in strata B1 and B2; 44.4% in strata B3, B4, B5; 2012 - 33% in strata A1 and A2; 66% in strata B1 and B2, giving the PPRN IndProd = 1.56 (CAInter) for this period. However, at the beginning of the current three-year period (2013-2014-2015), we started the period (2013) with 69 articles, distributed as follows: 16.9% in strata A1 and A2; 58.5% in strata B1 and B2; 6.15% in strata B3, B4, B5. This historical evolution attributes to the PPRN the IndProd = 2.73 (CAInter), well above the previous value and, especially, above the minimum required by CAPES for a program to obtain concept 4 in the interdisciplinary area.

It is noteworthy that in the evaluation of the first triennium, CAPES recommended in the Evaluation Form of the Program to the PPRN to change the evaluation area, indicating the area ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES. On 04/10/2014 the request was formally sent via Sucupira Platform and we received the reply on 08/01/2014, by the Coordinator of the Interdisciplinary Area Prof PEDRO GERALDO PASCUTTI, who presents the current situation of "A HOMOLOGAR - AREA DE DESTINO".

In relation to the candidate demand, the PPRN has accumulated an average of 50 candidates in its selection processes. The pursuit of candidates for the Program and, in particular, the great need for qualified professionals in the area of Conservation and Management of Natural Resources in the region, led to the expansion in 2011 of the number of vacancies offered by the Program: 22 vacancies, being respected the limit of 4 students by counselors, as stated in the rules of the Program, approved by the Collegiate, Council of Center and CEPE (Resolution 048/2017/ECPE/UNIOESTE).

Pedagogical Structure

The Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Conservation and Management of Natural Resources is composed of compulsory courses and elective courses, each consisting of 4 credits. For the subject Special topics, the content will vary according to demand. For the completion of the course, the student must meet a total of at least 24 credits, and each credit unit corresponds to 15 (fifteen) hours of scheduled activities, comprising theoretical and practical classes and seminars.

The Seminars course is considered mandatory, with 30 hours, with the attribution of 2 credits. In addition to the activities developed by postgraduate students, the hours are not counted and no credits are given for the activities of proficiency in a foreign language, scientific activities, dissertation development and teaching internship. It should be noted that when filling in the data on the Sucupira Platform, it is not possible to assign such values to the respective courses and/or activities, thus remaining a divergence, which must be considered in the evaluation of the report.

The courses that form the curricular structure of the PPRN contemplate the concentration area of the Program, in its two research lines, focused respectively on the terrestrial and aquatic environment, with compulsory and elective courses.


Unioeste/Campus Cascavel
Rua Universitária, 2069 - Jardim Universitário - Cascavel/PR CEP 85819-110