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Mestrado e Doutorado em Engenharia e Tecnologia Ambiental



The area of Geography in the Marechal Cândido Rondon Campus received greater attention from the implementation of the undergraduate course in 1997, and the inaugural class was given by Prof. Dr Milton Santos. In the opportunity, the professor praised the institution for the initiative and attention to the Geography area with the creation of the undergraduate course in a region of great potential for development.

Until 1998, Geography was linked to the Department of History and Geography, when it was dismembered. Before the dismemberment of the former Department, several Interdisciplinary Symposia of History and Geography were organized, with the participation of external lecturers such as Prof. Luis Felipe Ribeiro - UFF; Prof Peter Loyd Scherlock (London Economic Scholl); Prof Ruy Moreira - UFF; among others. After the dismemberment of the department, several specific events were organized, among which stand out the Weeks of Geography at UNIOESTE, also called Geographic Expedition, held every two years and which is in its 9th edition. The events are organized by the course of Geography in conjunction with the Association of Brazilian Geographers - local section of Marechal Cândido Rondon and have, on average, 150 participants.

Also relevant was the Encontro Paranaense de Estudantes de Geografia (EPEG) held at the UNIOESTE Campus of Marechal Cândido Rondon in 2000 and 2008. Held annually since 1995 and organized by the State Executive of Geography Students (EEEGEO), this event is itinerant in the universities of the State of Paraná. The EPEG is an event that proposes the interaction between students of Geography and related areas, the discussion on scientific production in the field of geographic science and the mobilization and positioning of students on issues of their interest. The main theme of the V EPEG held in 2000 was "Water: the Oil of the Third Millennium". The XIII EPEG was held in 2008 and had as its theme "Borders: territories in conflict". The event had the participation of important speakers of Brazilian Geography and had approximately 400 participants in the following activities: lectures, round table, mini-courses, presentation and debate of documentaries, coordinated communications and fieldwork. The XIII EPEG aimed to stimulate the debate on the production of geographic space from the social conflicts that demarcate the territories of multiple groups and classes. These conflicts are an expression of the general process that takes place in the border space.

In 2004/2005, a graduate course was offered in Geography Lato Sensu called "Environmental and Regional Analysis in Geography", with a 360-hour workload. This specialization course, organized by the teachers of the Mal. Cândido Rondon had as target public teachers of the state public network. More recently, in 2009/2010, another Latu Sensu course began, in the area of "Environmental Analysis in Geography", an initiative of GEA teachers who seek to encourage and improve studies focused on environmental issues in the west of the state.

Another relevant event for the history of the Geography Course was the VII Conference on Work, between November 30th and December 2nd, 2006. The theme debated was "Update on work and the working class in Brazil. More than resist, Act!" The organizing committee was composed by GEOLUTAS (Laboratório de Geografia das Lutas no Campo e na Cidade), CEGET (Centro de Estudos de Geografia do Trabalho - Unesp/PP) and the AGB-Section of Marechal Cândido Rondon and had the support of the Collegiate of Marechal Cândido Rondon's Geography Course.

It was also held the IV Paranaense Symposium of Graduate Studies in Geography "SIMPGEO - Entre o Pensar e o Fazer em Geografia" from June 18 to 20, 2009 with approximately 200 participants among teachers and graduates of various programs in the State of Paraná. The organization of the event was under the responsibility of the geography course of the Marechal Cândido Rondon campus.

The Research Groups to which the professors of the Course of Geography/Campus of Marechal Cândido Rondon are linked express the quality of the activities being developed, especially research. The groups are registered in the Dean of Research and Graduate Courses of UNIOESTE and in the Directory of Groups of the CNPq. Many of these groups also have their respective laboratories, with their own equipment and physical facilities.

In this context of the expansion of geography on the campus of M.C. Rondon, the Graduate course in Geography (Master’s degree) was implemented in 2011. The course is formed by 08 professors, all from Unioeste responsible for the disciplines, guidelines and other activities of the Graduate Studies.

Concentration Area:

Border area: territory and environment

The border area is the central theme of the master's degree in Geography at UNIOESTE - Marechal Cândido Rondon Campus. This border space is approached in its territorial dimension built from multiple political, social, economic and cultural relations. The environmental dimension of the border space is approached from communication between nature and social practices.

Research Lines:

1 - Territorial dynamics and social conflicts in border areas

This research line is dedicated to the study of territorial dynamics and social conflicts present in the border area. It allows the approach of diverse themes such as population and labor mobility, economic and regional development, public policies, labor relations, planning and urbanization process, agrarian issue, conflicts and social movements in the countryside, "Brasiguaios", violence and illicit activities at the border.

2 - Environmental dynamics and management in subtropical zones

This research line allows environmental studies of subtropical landscapes and covers the following themes: geomorphology, river environments, genesis and evolution of erosive processes, use and management of urban and rural soils, climate change and environmental risks. It also includes studies on socio-environmental problems, such as land-use planning, conservation units and permanent preservation areas, especially those found on the border.

