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 Strictu Sensu


Foz do Iguaçu

Francisco Beltrão

Marechal Candido Rondon


Agências de Fomento da Pós Graduação


Selection Criteria

To participate in the selection process as regular and special students, the candidate must fill in the online registration form available at <https://midas.unioeste.br/stricto/inscricoes>, and send or deliver to the in Master and Doctorate in Regional Development and Agribusiness Postgraduate Secretariat at UNIOESTE/Campus de Toledo, from 8 am to 11 am and from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm, at Rua da Faculdade, 645 - Jardim Santa Maria, CEP - 85903-000 - Toledo - PR, within the deadline stipulated in the specific Notice (check the Norms and Notices> Notices menu), the requested documents.

For example, the documents requested for regular student enrollment are:
  • a) Proof of application / validation received in the applicant's e-mail after filling in at <https://midas.unioeste.br/stricto/inscricoes>;
  • b) a recent 3x4 photo;
  • c) original proof of deposit of the registration fee;
  • d) updated Lattes curriculum;
  • e) research project in the research line of interest, following a specific form;
  • f) two cover letters (from persons linked to the applicant's academic background or professional activities), following a specific model;
  • g) copy of the passport and residence permit identification sheet;
  • h) copy of the Master's degree or Master's Degree Certificate obtained in a course recognized by MEC / CAPES;
  • i) copy of the Master's transcript.
  • Other documents described in the specific notice available at <https://www5.unioeste.br/portalunioeste/pos/pgdra/normas-e-editais/editais>.

The documents requested for special student registration are:
  • a) Copy of the transcript of the undergraduate course;
  • b) Copy of the undergraduate diploma or course completion certificate;
  • c) Copy of ID, CPF and Birth or Marriage Certificate;
  • d) 01 (one) recent 3x4 photo;
  • e) Lattes Curriculum updated.
  • Other documents described in the specific notice available at <https://www5.unioeste.br/portalunioeste/pos/pgdra/normas-e-editais/editais>.

Check the specific notices for further details regarding the documents and procedures required for selection.