The Post-Graduation Program, Stricto Sensu, in Society, Culture and Frontiers, Master`s and Doctorate level proposes to qualify professionals who develop, during the training process, skills to coordinate cross-border studies and research, with a view to overcoming geopolitical borders. Studies that concern the occupation of a territory located on the frontier and the resulting conflicts; the implementation of colonization projects and works such as the Itaipu plant; the development of movements and other social organizations, such as cooperatives, agricultural and agro-industrial complexes; the indigenous and gender issue in the face of the colonization movement; labor relations such as the works, typical of the region and the daily lives of the colonizers; relations with neighboring countries (Paraguay and Argentina) and the perspective of MERCOSUR.
The importance and impact of the proposal for the institution can also be seen in the content that the lines of research intend to investigate. In the case of the Territory, History and Memory line, cultural artifacts are investigated as an expressive and interactive form of individual and collective experiences to dimension spatialities, frontiers and territorialities.
In the Language, Culture and Identity line, the object is the relationship between language, culture, society and identity processes. The change in language as an indicator of social and cultural change. Representations and identities built on social interaction processes.
Finally, in the line of Work, Politics and Society, the idea is to investigate the colonization and incorporation of Latin America in the capitalist mode of production. The formation of national states: political culture, regimes, governments and the evolution of public policies. Social and union movements. The paths and perspectives for the integration of Latin American countries. It is believed that this set of themes and approaches treated from an interdisciplinary perspective will greatly contribute to a greater insertion of UNIOESTE in the themes related to the common realities and interests of the countries that make up the frontier, extreme west of Paraná, positioning the institution and the Foz do Iguaçu Campus as a vanguard in this type of approach.
Concentration Area: Society, Culture and Frontiers
Area Description: In view of the different forms of social and cultural organization in border contexts, it develops studies related to temporality and spatiality, cultural diversity, language and social representations. It conducts research on the role of social organizations and policies at the local, national and international levels, addressing relevant themes for political participation, for society and for social movements.