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Mestrado e Doutorado em Engenharia Química


Mission: Training masters and doctors in the concentration areas of Agricultural Engineering "Biological and Agroindustrial Systems" and on "Water Resources and Environmental Sanitation"; having the multidisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity as guiding principles, inducing the formation of an innovative and updated researcher in the sustainable agro-industrial and environmental issues.

Background: The Graduate Program in Agricultural Engineering (PGEAGRI) at UNIOESTE offered the first Master and Ph.D. courses in the West and Southwest region of Paraná State. The Master's formation was the first course, starting the activities in 1997. In 2004, PGEAGRI obtained score 4 by CAPES, starting the Program restructure with the aim of boosting the development of the research areas; qualification, and training on human resources considering the demand and the regional insertion and the National Graduate Plan 2005. Due to these changes, CAPES authorized the implementation of the Ph.D. course which started in August 2006. Since 2011, PGEAGRI has the following concentration areas: Biological and Agro-industrial Systems – SBA and Water Resources and Environmental Sanitation – RHESA. In 2013, Capes Triennial Evaluation (2010-2012) recognized the competence of the Graduate Program in Agricultural Engineering by giving the score 5. The higher program score is the result of the continuous and collective effort of professors, students, and PGEAGRI's collaborators.

Statement from the Coordination (2019 - 2021): PGEAGRI is located in one of the most important agricultural regions of Brazil. In response, our teachers are challenged to propose technological and environmentally safe solutions for food production while dedicating themselves to training human resources with excellence and citizenship, recognized nationally and internationally, to meet the demands of society. The PGEAGRI Coordination, aware of the importance of our mission in the regional context, reinforces the commitment to develop all activities with principles of ethics and respect, always striving for excellence, seeking to expose the best of the student and teaching staff. Without measuring efforts, we encourage and support the integration of research lines in the search for strategic knowledge for sustainable and innovative solutions for local and global demands.

Accreditation: The Graduate Program in Agricultural Engineering is accredited by CAPES, a governmental organization that is responsible for assessing and accrediting higher education institutions in Brazil, with a grading scale ranging 1-7, where 7 is the maximum score. Since the triennial assessment of 2010-2012, the Agricultural Engineering Program scored 5.


Unioeste/Campus de Toledo
Rua Guaíra, n° 3141 - Jardim La Salle - Bloco E5 (Prédio de Engenharia Química) Caixa postal 520 - CEP: 85903-220 - Toledo PR - Brasil